Alright, so I swear I think about writing on this thing more but I just forget. Not a lot new with us though, just working. We work opposite weekends so I feel like I hardly ever see Chandler. The only time we have the same days off are every other Sunday, other than that we're working every day. It sucks but welcome to my life. We decided to go up to Park City on Wednesday just to get a little bit of time to ourselves and I am so happy we did! We went to the Outlet Stores and they were having great sales! It was so awesome, I got 3 pair of dress pants and 2 new shirts, mostly I just loved that we got to spend some time together that wasn't staring at the TV trying to stay awake after work. The store finally opened and Chandler LOVES it. He comes home happy but exhausted every day. The people he works with are great too, we have so much fun with them. I feel like we haven't got to hang out with any of our friends since we got married. We got so old and boring as soon as we tied the knot that I'm embarrassed. So if any of my friends really do read this, call us so we can do something.
Lucky for me I'm off this weekend, so I'm going to spend it watching football, baseball and sitting on my butt. My parents are up in Park City at their time share so I might go up and see them because Chandler works and I'll be all sorts of bored without him. See, we're old boring people. Hopefully in the near future we'll be able to have a social life again. There are some things coming up in the future that might help with that :)
Well, seeing as its taken me 5 hours to write this post because I keep getting interrupted I give up.